Dressing Tips For Fat Men

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Shown with the ideal body weight is the majority dream of many people. For the ideal weight, you can wear whatever you like. In addition, men with ideal body weight is a dream of the majority of women. But not all men are fortunate to have an ideal body weight. In order to achieve this, the best solution is to lose weight through a healthy diet plus exercising. But this also does not guarantee instant because it would take a long time. In addition, the diet is also not going to promise that your weight will not go up forever.Instead, have a distended stomach often makes a person less confident. Men who have belly fat tends to cover her shape with a very loose clothes, but clothes that are too large it will make it look bigger. Other errors are often found in obese men are using clothing that is too tight, most of them think using a smaller outfit will make them look thinner, in fact they are actually afflicted with it. And it has the same solutions that diet again.so while awaiting the results of the hard work of diet you achieve ideal body and no longer have belly fat, it does not hurt if friends WikiModeYes started experimenting in appearance. This time WikiModeYes will review tips on dressing for men who are obese and have a distended abdomen. Immediately, he his review.

1. Avoid large motif:Never wear a patterned large and conspicuous because it could divert attention being focused to a large body of it. Avoid logos or images that are too large on your t-shirt, it also can make you look fatter. Choose a t-shirt with a logo or a smaller image.Motif ideal fit for the fat man is a motif of vertical lines capable of inflicting optical illusion makes the shape of your body look slim. If hobby jacket, try not wearing a thick jacket, because the clothes are piling up thick and will change the body look more plump.You can switch the view of others of your distended stomach using a long jacket or blazer. Jackets and blazers down to the bottom of the buttocks will cover the abdomen and in accordance with the size of your waist blazer and jackets with your waist circumference. Avoid double-breasted jacket that actually accentuate your body shape. Avoid a suit or blazer newfangled one or two buttons. Choose a suit that there are three buttons because this will make you look taller. To be added more cool do not forget that opened the top button.

Tips Berpakaian Bagi Pria Gemuk (terakhir)

2. Do not choose loose clothing:Very loose clothing will not cover the amount of your body shape, it loose clothing will make you look bigger. Try to wear clothes of the same size with the right size in the body. Not too loose or too tight.

3. Avoid clothing that is too narrow:Most of those overweight thought that wearing clothes that are smaller will make them look thinner appearance. But in fact, clothing that is too tight will show only the actual body shape. It could be the shape of your body to be the center of attention of many people.

4. Choose a low-rise pants:For business pants, wear long pants straight models to achieve a shoe. This will give the illusion of legs so that the legs look longer. Avoid capri pants because it will make the body look shorter and legs look fatter. Additionally select low-rise style pants or trousers around his hip. Avoid pants in a loop around the stomach.Also avoid all trousers (slacks) with a flap at the front (pleated) that can increase the effect on your stomach distended. Use traditional trousers that are too tight or too loose will only make you look more 'double'. Invest the time and energy to choose a pair that actually fits your body. And most of all, do not let your stomach look 'overload' of the circumference of your pants, if necessary use the numbers above the size of pants you and use small-headed belt.

5. Use accessories as neededFashion accessories you can use to support your appearance. If you want to use accessories, please use the accessories perfectly natural, such as belts, watches. But if you use it lebay, accessories might damage the appearance or even make women uncomfortable at the sight of you., Sunglasses, and a hat.