10 Ways To Not Look Dull in Clothing Color White

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Still afraid to try the color white?

Monochromatic colors it will never outdated. If last year you've had too many wearing and collecting clothes black or dark colored, perhaps it is time for a little experiment with the color white. Still timid to try? Maybe some of these tips will inspire you to instantly update your wardrobe with clothes white.

1. Confident

For many people, the white color may look intimidating than the color black. But, that does not mean the color white is a color that should be avoided. The key (and this applies to almost all colors) is not to overdo it and be smart to add a bit of color or accessories to make white look more attractive.

2. Choose the right color underwear

If you plan on wearing a white superiors or subordinates, the most important thing you should know is dressed in skin color or nude. Shadow clothes in black or red 'peek' behind your boss or subordinate is white it will ruin your appearance.

3. Shown minimalist

Do not add too many colors on a white appearance if you do not want to make someone else (or maybe your own) so headache. The white color can indeed look too plain, but that does not mean you instantly add a scarf, shoes to colorful accessories. Try playing with the gold-colored jewelry to make your appearance is not too plain.

4. Select a color other than black shoes

It turns black shoes may not always be the right choice for black combined with subordinates as make you look too conventional. Also white color of the shoe actually included so the most recommended option. But, if you feel confident enough to wear the white shoes, you can try gray, neutral colors (brown, beige) or metallic colors. Avoid combining white subordinate you with pastel-colored shoes because it will make it look pale.

5. Pair with denim

The color combination of white and denim is a classic blend suitable for you to wear anytime. The more he cried again, you can just wear a neat shoes (high heels boots for women and for men) if you want to look a little formal or sneakers or sandals if you want to look relaxed.

6. Experiment with texture

If you want to try to perform all white, try experimenting with textures of materials. Pair your white jeans with a white crop top and outputs that are made of knitted material. The combination of textures makes appearances all white you do not look monotonous.

7. Make sure your clothes white color matching

You should consider if you want to try to see all white, do not forget to ensure that your clothes white color tone matching. Could have turned the color of your T-shirt off-white while the color white subordinate you closer to white pearls. When combined, even potentially make you look mottled. So, before you are out of the house, make sure the white color all over your appearance matching.

8. Use bronzer

The white color will look more attractive if you look slightly tanned skin. If you do not have time to bask for a moment in the sun, one trick is to use makeup that contains a bronze, but not too much time to use it in order to keep your look natural.

9. Play with makeup and hairdo

As long as you're wearing a neutral white color, it does not hurt to be playing around with colored makeup. Bright-red lipstick that you dare not wear before, paint your nails with electric blue or metallic colored eyeliner try. Similarly, the hairdo. You could try a style that is more fun than usual, such as braids, loose waves, bun or whatever you want.

10. A touch of color neutral

For men, you can add a touch of color to neutral alloy white T-shirt and jeans you. Try to select accessories, such as belts or shoes with a brown color tone. Avoid using too many touches of white, because women tend to be less attracted to men who are wearing a lot of white.

It is no longer the confused, to mix and match the white color of your outfit? For inspiration shades of white clothing collection for women and men. Who knows, you want to update your wardrobe with a predominance of white clothes this year?